Summit100 is the largest gathering of the business leaders from the SEE countries and represents a unique business initiative that gathers over 100 most eminent business leaders from the region of South East Europe, including Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania.
The 6th annual gathering was held in Skopje for the first time in October 2017 and McCann Skopje was proud Communication partner of the event.
Being the first and biggest regional initiative of this kind ever held in Macedonia, our main challenge was to create strong PR story around it and to create awareness among the general public about this regional initiative in the whole CEE region.
We created overall integrated communication plan, focusing on strategic PR and social media activities, targeting the business community from the region, the regional political leaders, key decision-makers and media.
The activities were carried out through several phases before, during and after the event, in order to support the Summit100’s objectives. We distributed various press releases, PR texts and interviews with some of the key note speakers, organized a press conference to announce the 6th Summit100 and provided live coverage for the event from the fully equipped designated press center.
The 6th annual Summit100 stirred up great interest among the media from the whole CEE region and for the first time in 6 years, a record number of 130 journalists from 8 countries from CEE region were accredited at Summit100.
The event was mentioned more than 600 times in the media, out of which over 350 PR placements were solely from the event itself.