A1 Makedonija launch event

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Rebranding is the biggest and probably the most challenging project any company might need to undergo, especially when it comes to the Telco industry since there are hundreds of processes to oversee. An official launch event is only one of them, but when in a single year there are several rebrandings within the same A1 Telekom Austria Group, the challenge is even bigger, as we had to launch the rebranding of one.Vip to A1 Makedonija at the level of the Group and even go beyond.

Besides creating full IMC on all communication channels, our task was also to organize the official Press/Business event and to create a memorable and unique experience for the guests.
For that purpose, we wanted to create something that has not been seen before and provide truly one-of-a-kind experience, so we produced an impressive video story which was presented on massive screens in a specific format, used for the first time in Macedonia and in the region. The video was a powerful synergy of messages and images presenting the essence of the new brand – “A1. Every world of yours”. Simultaneously, Macedonian orchestra performed LIVE in front of the audience and in sync with the video presentation.

The feedback was impressive from all 300+ attendees from the business sector, from key Government officials and the diplomatic corps.

In terms of PR, the event draw a huge media interest, setting a record with 42 media representatives registered at the event. We established total of 102 PR placements from the event only (19 TV placements on 10 TV channels, 8 placements in 4 dailies – 4 cover pages, 75 web placements); 1 additional TV interview in primetime news; 3 interviews in business magazines, out of which 2 on cover pages and 3 online interviews.